Finasteride is an oral medication which blocks the release of an Enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone is a male hormone that are produced in the human body by male sexual organs and this hormone is responsible for male features such as beard, moustache, arm pits hair, deep male voice, and development of male sexual organs. In fact, everyone whether male or female, has got both the male testosterone and the female oestrogen. It just depends on how much of each hormones are produced in the body that determines the sex of the person.
Testosterones are not harmful themselves but if they are produced in excess amount, they can be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT then attach themselves to hair follicles on the scalp and blocks the supply of blood to the hair follicles. This in turn causes hair to fall off rapidly due to insufficient supply of blood to the hair follicles. Hair follicles are simply tiny blood vessels underneath the base of the hair shaft and they are compared to the roots of a tree. Very often, hair loss can be totally reversed just by correcting this condition.
Finasteride works on the above principle by inhibiting the production of 5-alpha reductase. By doing so, minimum or no DHT will be produced. This allows the hair follicles to remain healthy and strong, thus maintaining good natural hair. It is easier said than done though. Finasteride does have some side effects and people had mixed results from the use of this medication. Personally, one of the side effects i experienced was the reduction of sexual desire and the increase in the blood pressure. If you are a sexually active person, you would lose much of your sexual drive and you should let your partner know about your medication in order not to damage your personal relationship. Also, the rise in blood pressure will cause you to feel uncomfortable through continued use of the oral medication.
Blurry vision is also a common side effects experienced by people using Finasteride. Once they stop the medication, all of the mentioned side effects also stopped. Finasteride was actually an oral medication used to treat prostate cancer in the past. Doctors had noticed that people who were given the medication also resulted in the increase of hair on the head scalp region. This somehow led to the discovery of the use of Finasteride medication to treat hair loss. DHT also causes a person’s prostate gland to enlarge and by using Finasteride, a person can achieve both results at the same time through the use of this medication. They can help reduce hair loss and also prevent or cure prostate cancer.
In 1997 the FDA approved Finasteride to treat hair loss in male pattern baldness, and is registered in many countries under the trade name Propecia®. However, Finasteride should not be used by pregnant woman since it would cause harm to the babies inside their womb and could lead to a potentially dangerous situation. Your family Doctors should be informed if you are taking this medication and be aware that prolonged use of the medication along with the side effects experienced could lead to unknown condition that could cause damage to your body.
Well, yes and no. It all depends on what type you have, some people think that because your father is bald that you will be too.
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Finasteride/ propecia is a drug from hell. It will leave you impotent. If you want a flat ball sack and your penis to shrink then take it. Do your research on all the lives it has destroyed before taking it.