• Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an important vitamin that is often ignored by a large number of people, they fail to realise the importance of this simple vitamin.
What Vitamin A does is that, it helps the scalp to produce enough sebum (Natural Hair Oil) to moisturize our human hair. Without enough sebum, our hair would look and feel dry. Hair will become thin and weak, leaving our hair vulnerable to damages from the sun, wind and air.
• Lack of Vitamin A could cause Dandruff and limp hair. Dandruff is a condition in which your head will feel dry and itchy, and when you scratch hard, you would see dry flakes skin coming off your head scalp which can be painful, at times. All this is happening because of insufficient production of hair sebum on the head scalp. By increasing your intake of Vitamin A, you would be able to prevent Dandruff and dry limpy hair.
• FACT: Drinking alcohol, chain smoking, taking aspirin (Pain Killer) and taking some counter prescription drugs could prevent your body from absorbing the essential Vitamin A and thus leading to permanent hair loss.
• Vitamin A also brings about a soothing sensation to your body and allows your body to reduce stress. Stress which is also an important cause of Hair Loss can be significantly reduced just by taking Vitamin A. Vitamin A has got Anti-Inflammatory properties which helps to fight any inflammation in your hair follicles. Hair follicles when become inflammed it produces thinner, weaker hair and there is every chance of the hair follicles clogging itself leading to complete blockage. When this happens, you will notice no hair growing in that region of your head and your head will seem to be shiny and bald.
• But, overdose of Vitamin A is equally harmful to your hair. It could dangerously increase your hair loss faster and makes you bald earlier. Vitamin A causes increased production of Sebum (Natural Hair Oil) and an excess production of this sebum will instead destroy the healthy hair follicles. You wouldn't want that happening to you. That is why it is always a good idea to consult your Doctor, before you start taking any Vitamin supplement. However, Vitamin A are contained in some of the daily foods we eat such as Mangos, Oranges, Carrots, Sweet potato, Squash, liver, Cod liver oil. Cod liver Oil has the most amount of Vitamin A and should be your best choice.
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